Brokenness in the Political Arena
Vivian's 2014 Splintered: Brokenness in the Political Arena mirrors the disappointment that many had in recent years.
Splintered asks the question... what happened? Was it in vain that so much progress was made by the sacrifice of so many 50 years ago?
Splintered is a call for Americans to once again find the unity so prevalent during those times. It encourages the reader to have faith in God and in our country and foretold the political revolution America experienced in 2016.
“Truly remarkable! Vivian is a shining example and a beacon of light, hope, and unpretentiousness for all. She not only talks the talk, but walks the walk of faith, love, and kindness. I am truly blessed and humbled by her works; she is an inspiration to all.”
I Am An American
The Poem
After writing the poem, “I Am An American” many years ago, and reciting it to many across the country, Vivian has decided to put the poem in book form. She used verse and illustrations to express her heartfelt feelings.
Daddy’s Pot
What if our children graded us? Now they can. In my series, I invite you to journey with my children, Trey and Alyssa, to see the world from a child’s eye. We pray that this not only opens your eyes, but also your heart as you gain patience and love along your life’s many journeys.
The Day Before Christmas
Sometimes what we need is already here; if we are willing to believe, and not give in to fear. So let us offer to you, a measure of cheer, and pray that your life will be prosperous next year as you join us on a shopping trip of love that is so dear.
I pray you will enjoy the artwork in this book. I was blessed to take a painting class from a renown artist, and I wanted to share it with you, the reader. I was fascinated with what could be accomplished with a brush and some paint. The artwork has been made beautiful in many ways, to share my thoughts.